Postcard view of F.W. Woolworth Company in Lorain, Ohio, c. 1960s.

1960 - 1965 / Downtown Lorain

A postcard photograph of the F.W. Woolworth Company store on Broadway Avenue, Lorain, Ohio.

The caption on the back of the postcard is "Broadway and Main Downtown business area Lorain, Ohio". The publisher is Wilbur Evans, Cleveland, Ohio.'' The postcard was printed in "Lusterchrome"

The date of the photograph is unknown, but is likely from the early 1960s.

~ Doane Collection of the Lorain Public Library System, “Postcard view of F.W. Woolworth Company in Lorain, Ohio, c. 1960s.,” Lorain County Memory, accessed March 12, 2025,

Dublin Core


Postcard view of F.W. Woolworth Company in Lorain, Ohio, c. 1960s.


A postcard photograph of the F.W. Woolworth Company store on Broadway Avenue, Lorain, Ohio.

The caption on the back of the postcard is "Broadway and Main Downtown business area Lorain, Ohio". The publisher is Wilbur Evans, Cleveland, Ohio.'' The postcard was printed in "Lusterchrome"

The date of the photograph is unknown, but is likely from the early 1960s.


Lorain Public Library System
Albert Doane


1960 - 1965


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