The Lorain Palace Theater, 1931.

A photograph of the Lorain Palace Theater. The left side of the marquee reads "Chas. Farrell & Janet Gaynor." Under the marquee can be seen a sign reading "The Man Who Came Back". This is a film starring the two actors on the marquee. This film was released in 1931. In front of the theater are two parked cars. Next to the parked cars is a truck traveling north with a sign reading "Lorain County Plumbing & Heating Supply Co." Immediately behind the truck is a Lorain Street Railway car. Multiple parked cars can be seen on both sides of the street. Several people can be seen stepping onto the curb after crossing Broadway avenue. A "FREE PARKING" banner is hung across the street south of the theater.
The date of the photograph is most likely 1931, given the date of the film being shown at the theater.

~ Doane Collection of the Lorain Public Library System, “The Lorain Palace Theater, 1931.,” Lorain County Memory, accessed March 7, 2025,

Dublin Core


The Lorain Palace Theater, 1931.


A photograph of the Lorain Palace Theater. The left side of the marquee reads "Chas. Farrell & Janet Gaynor." Under the marquee can be seen a sign reading "The Man Who Came Back". This is a film starring the two actors on the marquee. This film was released in 1931. In front of the theater are two parked cars. Next to the parked cars is a truck traveling north with a sign reading "Lorain County Plumbing & Heating Supply Co." Immediately behind the truck is a Lorain Street Railway car. Multiple parked cars can be seen on both sides of the street. Several people can be seen stepping onto the curb after crossing Broadway avenue. A "FREE PARKING" banner is hung across the street south of the theater.
The date of the photograph is most likely 1931, given the date of the film being shown at the theater.


Lorain Public Library System
Albert Doane




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