Broadway Avenue, looking south from Duane Street (Fourth Street), Lorain, Ohio
A photograph of the west side of Broadway Avenue looking southwest from Duane Street (now Fourth Street), Lorain, Ohio. Businesses visible in the photograph include (from right to left): Allen's Shoe Store, Style Center, the Leiter Studio, Gem Pharmacy, Locke Shoes, Freyman Clothing and Furnishings Store and Honecker's Pharmacy. The Lorain Hardware Company can be seen across Fifth Street. This photograph was taken by well-known early Lorain photographer Willis Leiter, most likely between 1905 and 1910. Leiter was also the owner of the Leiter Post Card Company, and this photo was used in his photo post card business. (Lorain: The Real Photo Postcards of Willis Leiter by Albert Doane, Bill Jackson, Paula Shorf et al. Arcadia Publishing, 2014.)